
My biography in few sentences

I am such a bright personality, you should know my biography! I was born in Kyrgyzstan, in the city of Bishkek. In 2009, I went to a school near my house, but after two years, I transferred to school 67. I have been studying programming since the 8th grade. During this time, I managed to write a bunch of projects and study a lot of interesting things, as well as try a lot of different technologies. At the end of the 9th grade, I got my first internship at the TimelySoft IT company (an outsourcing company, Microsoft's gold partner in several areas).

At the end of the 11th grade, I won the Olympiad in Informatics and entered ITMO University. I quickly realized that what they give at the university is not enough for me, therefore, after the first year, I additionally studied at the School of Backend Development from the Yandex Academy in Moscow. Now I combine my work at Yandex with my studies, and at the same time I try myself in various programming and development competitions.

For as long as I can remember, I've always done cool things, like taking pictures lego movies, creating games on Unity3D, photoshop and so on.

Kirill Neevin
A developer. A funny guy.